What dog breeds make good running partners?
What dog breeds make good running partners? Has running become your latest passion or maybe you have been running for years, either way having a dog running with you is kind of nice. A lot of runners find it fun to have the companionship of a man’s best friend to enjoy the daily jog or long-distance run. Thanks for taking the time to read “What dog breeds make good running partners?” by the Tuscawilla Animal Hospital.
So we are going to look at what breeds make a suitable running partner. Some breeds actually are not meant to run long distances because of their body types. Sure, dogs need exercise just as much as their two-legged friends. In fact, staying active is in their DNA.

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But there are some dog breeds that are just not the right type to pound the pavement with you. Some dogs are too large or even too small, while others risk getting overheated. So before you purchase that cute doggie running outfit for your favorite pup, read this to learn which dog breeds make great running partners.
Keep in mind that you don’t need a pure bred dog to experience these running traits. These guidelines can apply to predominant breeds in mixed-breed dog as well. But check with your veterinarian for the final word on your particular dog.
Dog breeds for running fun!
The type of dog you choose also depends on the type of runner you are. If your daily journey consists of a ten-miles or more, then the following dogs will be able to keep up with you because of their medium build and the muscles in their hind parts. We recommend adopting breeds such as:
- German Shorthaired Pointers
- Goldendoodles
- Jack Russell terriers
- Weimaraners
- and Vizslas
If you are a faster runner who thrives on shorter distances, then the other breeds are actually a better choice for you. Certain breeds will be your best companions because they too are muscular but are also built for sprints. We recommend adopting breeds such as:
- Beagles
- English Setters
- Golden Retrievers
- Labrador Retrievers
- Greyhounds
- Pit Bulls
If you live in warm to hot climates – such as Florida. Then when you run in the summer – the Florida heat and humidity are dangerous for an animal but also for a runner in the middle of the day. Early mornings people love to run in the simmering July heat.
But remember that running in heat higher than 80 degrees or more isn’t recommended for people or dogs. You may be best to look at these breeds for running in Florida – we recommend adopting:
- Airedale Terriers
- Fox Terriers
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks
These dogs are able to withstand the heat. They can do this in part because of their long noses and short sleek coats. For those who enjoy running up north in the winter. We recommend adopting these breeds:
- German Shepherds
- Malamutes
- Siberian Huskies
- Swiss Mountain Dogs
How old should a dog be to start running with you?
Okay so now you know the type of running that you do and what breed is the best fit for your personal running situation. Here are other factors that you need to consider when running with your dog. Think about the age of your dog. We all know that puppies are nothing but balls of energy.
Yet, we need to remember that their bones are still developing. Puppies at an earlier and tender age need time to grow, so make sure you clear the idea of running with your veterinarian (Tuscawilla Animal Hospital). You also need to check in with your dog’s doctor about older dogs too. You want to ensure there too are healthy enough to keep up. Need an appointment? Schedule one now – click here.
Where are you taking your dog to run?
I remember the first time I took my dog up to North Carolina and we hiked up a mountain. Yes, the mountain was smaller but halfway up my dog just turned around and looked at me. His eyes said it all. “WTF are we doing boss?” So, thinking about where you are taking your beloved pet matters. Is it too long or not safe for a pet? Is it the right season to go running there? Do you have the necessary water and so on with you?
Also, consider how dangerous hot concrete surfaces can be on your dog’s paws. Dogs will let you know if their paws get too hot. Sometimes they will drag you to the grass area or if something got stuck in their paws by either limping or licking more than usual. Again, being vigilant about your beloved pet is key here.
Finally, have plenty of water for both you and your canine companion. Since dogs don’t sweat like humans, you need to keep a watchful eye out for how they are feeling. If you have only a bottle of water give your dog half – they are wearing a winter coat year-round.
No matter what breed you own or maybe looking at adopting, check in with us (your vet) to make sure your best canine friend forever will be up for the challenge. Again thanks for taking the time to read “What dog breeds make good running partners?” by the Tuscawilla Animal Hospital. Follow us on Facebook now!