How to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling? A blog article by Tuscawilla Animal Hospital based in Seminole County Florida.
Tuscawilla Animal Hospital that proudly serves Winter Springs, Casselberry, Oviedo, and the great Seminole County Florida area wants to share a simple way to help your dog learn to walk without pulling on the leash. The quick answer is to stop moving forward when he or she pulls and to reward your dog with treats when they walk by your side. If your dog is not very interested in food treats, then you can a toy or toss a ball for your dog in place of feeding a treat. This blog article will now go into greater detail to further answer this question. We hope you enjoy reading it.

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Here are some useful tips for Training Your Dog to walk on a leash.
If you are the proud and caring owner of a dog, like a lot of vet clinic team is as well, then daily walks are certain to be an important part of your routine with your dog.
Okay, not to leave the cat owners left out. We also find that some cat owners notice that their feline friend is tolerant and enjoys heading outside for a short stroll. Therefore, regardless of your pet of choice, this blog article is meant to help you walk with your dog (or cat) without having them pull you.
Remember that the use of a leash and/or harness is extremely important for your pet’s safety. So please make certain you find a quality-made leash that will not break or become usable based on it wearing out too quickly. Personally, I have a leash that has outlasted one dog and is still good enough to be used for another dog. It is about 13 years old now.
Not only can your leash prevent your beloved animal from running off and becoming lost, but it can also help keep them out of danger. We would hate to see your dog come in because it got hit by a car.
Nevertheless, your leash is an extension of you. Please note, a leash is not a natural thing for an animal to wear, and it can take some time plus a lot of patience to get your furry friend to walk nicely using one. I am writing this blog article because recently I went on a walk with a friend and his dog was tugging at the leash during the walk.
Needless to say, he was embarrassed and I gave him the same tips that I am about to share with you. These tips are meant to aid you and your pet on your journey to go on enjoyable walks, here are the tips for training your pet to walk on a leash.
Begin leash training your dog as soon as you can – How to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling?
Most people adopt a dog as a puppy or at a very young age, but some prefer to rescue a dog that is at least a year or two old. If you have a young pet, try to get them used to the leash and walk on a leash as soon as possible. This will help them feel comfortable with the idea of it.
Many owners who adopt an older pet assume that their new, furry family member will be well versed in leash-wearing and walking, but this may not be the case. My last dog was allowed to run free in his back yard and never taken for walks on a leash. It took weeks of treats and positive praise to get him to a place where I felt comfortable walking him.
So therefore the sooner you start the process of introducing the leash, the sooner you will be able to enjoy safe, relaxing walks with your pet. Consider going for long walks in a park to get the dog used to it faster. When we say a long walk, try a minimum of 6 to 10 miles per park visit.
Start with exposure to the leash – How to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling?
Throwing your pet into the deep end by expecting them to start wearing and walking with a leash immediately is one of the worst things you can do. It can be a culture shock for your dog or cat. We recommend visiting with a pet trainer to help you. A good trainer can give you tips, tricks, and show you the best practices for walking your pet on a leash.
Many dogs (and cats) can be anxious about sudden changes in their life, so gradual exposure to the leash is the best way to get them to accept it. Start by letting him check it out – this may include him sniffing or licking it. And reward them with positive praise when they do. You want the leash to be a positive thing. When your dog is comfortable around it, pop it on him or her and try taking your beloved pet for a walk around your property so he gets the idea.
Now let’s talk about how to prevent pulling
Did you know that pulling on the leash is one of the biggest nuisances reported by dog owners? It really is – time and time again we get asked about how to help our clients with this issue. Not only does this make your walk stressful and uncomfortable, but it could also cause you injury.
A pet that pulls on the leash cannot be walked by anyone who isn’t strong enough to keep the animal under control. Which was the case for my dad, who helped me watch one of my dogs. The dog was young so a rabbit and pulled him very quickly. He, unfortunately, fell over – thankfully he was okay.
One of the best ways to prevent pulling is to reward your furbaby every time he walks casually enough for the leash to go slack. I recommend using a term such as “by me” or “close”. Something that your dog can easily remember and will cause them to walk right by your leg.
This verbal command should be rewarded with a small edible treat when used. Even if he or she forgets, and gets a little over-excited, just repeat your verbal command in a strong authoritative voice then reward him again as soon as he or she resumes walking nicely.
Dogs, in particular, are very motivated by praise and treats, so he or she will soon recognize that walking nicely will earn him the rewards he craves. It is sometimes easier to train a dog when you have an older dog that is already trained correctly. Generally, the younger dog will watch and follow what the older dog does.

Lastly, Stick to a side! – How to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling?
Okay here is the final concept you need to focus on. Dogs are creatures of habit, so it is important to set the side you want them to walk on and don’t change it. This is a very important aspect of leash training is teaching your pet to remain walking on one side of you.
By doing this, you can stop him or her from darting in around from side to side. By selecting a side you want to train your dog to stay on, thus it will stop from your leash becoming tangled up. A tangled leash can affect both you and your dog, which could cause you to trip and hurt yourself or your pet.
Traditionally, dogs are taught to walk on the left side, but if your left hand or arm is weak, or you are more comfortable having him walk on your right-hand side then choose whatever is preferable. Keep the leash short so that he cannot weave from side to side, and reward him when he walks in the correct position.
Walking nicely on a leash is essential for your pet’s safety. Using these tips, you can train your pet to walk on a leash so that you can enjoy calm, safe walks together.
Thanks for reading this blog article on leash training and how to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling prepared by the Tuscawilla Animal Hospital
The Tuscawilla Animal Hospital wrote this article to help you better understand ‘How to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling?’. You might still have questions, feel free to call us and ask our caring staff members who are caring for your pet. Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook now! Remember we love caring for your pet no matter what stage of life he or she is in. Again, thanks for reading this blog article.